Lab 9: Forks Over Knives

Forks Over Knives – about 1 hour and 20 minutes
You Tube or Netflix
On you tube – the first one charges money – scroll down and most of the others are free.
Make sure and watch the complete video. the short version will not give you all the answers.

  1. Dr. Esselstyn and Dr. Campbell showed that 11 degenerative diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, several forms of cancer could be prevented and in some cases reversed by doing what? Be specific?___________
    Be specific – one or two words. No sentence or copy and paste
  2. Before the war what was the main health issue in Norway? Be specific._______________
  3. When the Germans came in what did they take?____________________
  4. When the war was over how did effect the health of the people in Norway get better or worse?
    For # 5 – 7 – An experience was done with rats.
    5.Name the product that was give to the rats.______________
    What happened at each percent – Name each % and then up or down.
    6._______% did it go up or down ____________
    7._______% did it go up or down __________.
    8.What do food receptors tell you.
    9.Research showed more people that had hip surgery consumed more ____________?