North Campus Wellness Center
About The Wellness Center
The Wellness Center is in Building 60, Rooms 502 and 503. Here at the Wellness Center we are committed to ensuring a friendly workout environment for all students, faculty, staff, and classes. You may ask for fitness advice during our hours of operation. Our times of operation are Monday and Wednesday: to Tuesdays: to , and Thursdays: to . All users are required to sign in at the front desk and show their valid Broward College Identification Card. Users are required to bring a towel, wear proper workout clothes and closed-toed shoes for all gym activities. It is necessary to disinfect the equipment with wipes before and after use to ensure proper health and safety. Follow us on Instagram: @bcnorthwellness.
To support the Broward College community during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we encourage all patrons of the facility to adhere to social distancing protocols and reserve their workout time slots before coming to work out. Please visit our Wellness Safety Information page to review our COVID-19 Requirements and instructions on how to make an appointment.
Cardio Machines
- Elliptical
- Treadmills
- Stair Master
- Bike Machines
Strength Training
- Circuit Training Machines (Core, Chest, Triceps, Back, Biceps, Hips, Quads, Hamstring, Glutes, Shoulders)
- Dumbbells: 1-100 lbs
- Weight Plates: 2.5-45 lbs
- Resistance Tubing/Bands/Loops
Additional Equipment
- Jump Ropes
- Stability Balls
- Battle Ropes
- Bosu Trainer
- Ankle Weights
- Ab Wheel
Mental Health

Mental Health is Wellness!
Mental health is wellness! We should not ignore the connection between our mind and our body. Our mental wellness is just as essential as our physical wellness. Another way to put it is that our mental health is just as important as our physical health. You perform physical exercise using your body weight or external exercise equipment like the ones listed above to improve physical strength, endurance and flexibility. How do you manage, maintain, or improve your mental wellness? From a holistic point of view, total health must also include mental wellness. Below are suggested tools and resources to help improve mental wellness. The suggested tools and resources are not owned by, or affiliated with Broward College. Visit our Mental Health and Wellness page for Broward College student mental health resources.
Free Mental Health Tools
Sanvello (Free/Premium)
Sanvello is based on the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness meditation, strategies to provide relief for mental health concerns including anxiety and depression.
CALM (Free/Premium)
The Calm app offers guided meditations, breathing exercises, and relaxing nature sounds to help de-stress and unwind.
Eternal Sunshine (Free)
The Eternal Sunshine app is designed to take mindfulness to another level through daily mantras, meditation exercises, and inspirational talks.
Mindfulness Coach (Free)
Created by a team at the National Center for PTSD, Department of Veterans Affairs. The Veterans Mindfulness Coach app was developed for people who may be experiencing emotional distress and for those wanting to maintain healthy coping practices.
Headspace (Free/Premium)
The Headspace app was designed with the sole mission of improving the health and happiness of the world. This app provides mindfulness tools for everyday life, including meditations, sleepcasts, mindful movement and focus exercises.
The Shine App (Free/Premium)
Shine is a self-care and meditation app that uses an instant messaging platform to interact with users. This app provides daily meditations, self-care courses, personalized support, and virtual community workshops.
HM Innovations App (Free)
Healthy Minds Program App uses neuroscience, contemplative traditions, and skill-based learning methods to help you develop the skills for a healthy mind. They follow the science of training the mind through awareness, connection, insight, and purpose.
Breathe 2 Relax (Free)
This portable stress management app provides practice exercises to help users learn the stress management skill called diaphragmatic breathing. Deep breathing has been shown to improve mood and deal with anger and anxiety.
My Ladder (Premium)
Ladder is a mental wellness app- developed in mind for the BIPOC community that tracks how behaviors, emotions, and thoughts impact well-being. Users build habits with an activity tracker and develop self-awareness with a CBT-based digital journal.
Down Dog App (Free with .edu e-mails)
The Down Dog Yoga app helps to create the perfect yoga practice for unique needs. The app is designed to function alongside mental health by adding peace, relaxation, and strength through various yoga practices.
Virtual Hope Box (Free)
The Virtual Hope Box app was created by the National Center for Telehealth & Technology (T2) to help users manage stress. The app contains simple tools to help users cope, relax, be distracted, and think positively.