CLubs And Events
#Shorts Film Festival
Physics Fails in Hollywood!
Led by a science faculty member, the purpose of the North Campus STEM Club is (1) To promote interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, (2) To experience the related fields above and beyond the classroom setting, (3) To provide career information, and (4) To enhance the involvement of Broward College students interested in STEM.
For more information, contact club advisor Dr. Asha Nurse via e-mail at
Come join the STEM Club as they hold various activities throughout each semester including guest speakers, field trips, dissections, and more! Follow us on Instagram: @stemclubnorthcampus.
Check out the videos to view some of the interesting activities.
Sustainability Club
The Sustainability Club at Broward College, North Campus, aims to encourage, educate, and provide accessible resources and attainable solutions to living sustainably in an ever-changing environment. Living sustainably improves our quality of life and ensures the preservation and success of future generations to come both environmentally and from a holistic lifestyle approach. Understanding these issues come hand in hand with the health and wellness of the human species and the earth. Working together as a community to achieve these goals is imperative to make a change to improve our quality of life.
Our mission is to increase awareness within our community by:
- Promoting a sustainable lifestyle
- Education of environmental challenges
- Fostering health and wellness
Join us as we navigate an ever-changing world and learn how you can live sustainably from guest speakers, on field trips, in collaboration with community groups, and through the nurturing of our native plant and pollinator garden on North Campus. Follow us on Instagram: @sustainabilityclub_bcn.
Club Advisor: Dr. Shakira Khan
Science For Kids
Science for Kids was started in 1983 and has been one of the most successful partnerships between Broward College and Broward County Schools. The purpose of the program is to engage local 5th grade student with hands-on math, biology, chemistry, and geology activities. Today the Science for Kids program, led by North Campus’ Science faculty, continues to immerse elementary children into a fun day full of science exploration and excitement with the hopes of encouraging the participants to one day attend college and pursue STEM careers.

Earth Day
Earth Day is an annual event celebrated at Broward College’s North Campus and around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Hosted by the Science and Wellness Department, the celebration is filled with guest speakers and activities such as student art and essay contests, rock painting and planting native plants among other events that promote environmental awareness.
Junior Achievement
Located on Broward College’s North Campus, Junior Achievement of South Florida (JA) inspires and prepares youth to succeed in a global economy. JA provides real-world training in financial literacy including budgeting, spending, investing and the use of credit; offers cutting-edge, skill-building opportunities that enable young people to explore meaningful, productive careers; teaches students how to start businesses; and introduces entrepreneurial values that strengthen workplaces. Each year Broward College’s Science and Wellness Department students and faculty host a Junior Achievement Day to engage JA youth in a fun day of science experiments and hands-on activities.

Science For Kids
Science for Kids was started in 1983 and has been one of the most successful partnerships between Broward College and Broward County Schools. The purpose of the program is to engage local 5th grade student with hands-on math, biology, chemistry, and geology activities. Today the Science for Kids program, led by North Campus’ Science faculty, continues to immerse elementary children into a fun day full of science exploration and excitement with the hopes of encouraging the participants to one day attend college and pursue STEM careers.

Earth Day
Earth Day is an annual event celebrated at Broward College’s North Campus and around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Hosted by the Science and Wellness Department, the celebration is filled with guest speakers and activities such as student art and essay contests, rock painting and planting native plants among other events that promote environmental awareness.
Junior Achievement
Located on Broward College’s North Campus, Junior Achievement of South Florida (JA) inspires and prepares youth to succeed in a global economy. JA provides real-world training in financial literacy including budgeting, spending, investing and the use of credit; offers cutting-edge, skill-building opportunities that enable young people to explore meaningful, productive careers; teaches students how to start businesses; and introduces entrepreneurial values that strengthen workplaces. Each year Broward College’s Science and Wellness Department students and faculty host a Junior Achievement Day to engage JA youth in a fun day of science experiments and hands-on activities.

National Chemistry Week
Mole Day
Mole Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated among chemistry enthusiasts on October 23, between 6:02 am and 6:02 pm. The day commemorates Avogadro’s Number, 6.02 times 10 to the power of 23, written (6.02 x 1023), a basis unit in chemistry. The North Campus Physical Sciences within the Science and Wellness Department, enthusiastically celebrates Mole Day with chemistry magic shows and demonstrations provided by Chemistry Faculty.

Science Seminar
Guest speakers are invited to present their research or specialty to BC students during National Chemistry Week. In October of 2020, BC Alumnus and PhD candidate, Louben Dorval, virtually presented his research over ZOOM to BC students, faculty, and staff. Mr. Dorval defended his thesis and received his PhD in August of 2021.

Brain Bowl Team
Brain Bowl is an academic competition in which Florida College teams compete by answering questions from four subject areas: humanities, mathematics, natural science and social science.
Scholarships are available for members.
For more information regarding the BC Brain Bowl Team, please contact Dr. Tony De Lia at:
Exciting Brain Bowl News from Dr. Tony De Lia:
“Broward College’s Brain Bowl team competed in Florida’s first ever online collegiate academic tournament on Saturday, October 10th. The Santa Fe Invitationial hosted the best academic quiz teams from across the state including Brain Bowl powerhouses Valencia, Chipola, Northwest Florida, Santa Fe, and Lakeland. In a very impressive performance, Broward’s A-Team swept the competition to decisively win the entire tournament.
Team members Francis Orozco (CA, North) and Alex Bluth (CA, Central) were among the top ten individuals in a field consisting of Florida’s top 50 collegiate quiz bowl players.
The Santa Fe Invitational featured a wide-ranging spectrum of challenging questions from all areas of academics written by the National Academic Quiz Tournament (NAQT) organization. It was hosted on the Discord online platform as is the first online academic competition of the 2020-2021 season. The FCSAA has transitioned to virtual tournaments following the restrictions implemented in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Please Congratulate The Following Players
Team A
Simone Rodriguez (A-Team captain) (BC, Central) Third Image Down, Right
Deandre Nelson (BC, Central) Not Pictured
Francis Orozco (CA, North) Third Image Down, Left
Mitchell Bennet (BC, North and Central) Bottom, Center

Team B
Isabella Borges (B-Team captain) (CA, North) Top, Left
Alex Bluth (B-Team co-captain) (CA, Central) Top, Right
Lindsay Martin (CA, Central) Second Image Down, Left
Connor Schemel (CA, Central) Second Image Down, Right
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