Biological Sciences Faculty and Staff

The Biological Sciences Faculty and Staff contact information are listed on the searchable tables below. To learn more about your professors and their course offerings, visit the “Meet Your Professors” page.


NamePhoneOfficeE-mailCoursesFull time/ Adjunct
Kulangara, Daniel954-201-295457/ 121dkulangara@broward.eduMicrobiology, Biology, ZoologyFull time
Morris, Hope954-201-241457/ 120hmorris2@broward.eduBiologyFull time, Temporary
Vrotsos, Emmanuel954-201-279657/ 149evrotsos@broward.eduAnatomy and PhysiologyFull time
Williams-Coleman, Chrissy954-201-210657/ 151cwilli16@broward.eduAnatomy PhysiologyFull time
Ali, Uzair954-201-241457/ 139uali@broward.eduBiological SciencesAdjunct
Bellevue, Alain954-201-241457/ 139abellevu@broward.eduBiological SciencesAdjunct
Bellevue, Sheilla954-201-241457/ 139sbellev1@broward.eduBiological SciencesAdjunct
Ejimofor, Chijioke954-201-241457/ 139cejimofo@broward.eduBiological SciencesAdjunct
Espinoza, Jairo954-201-241457/ 139jespinoz@broward.eduBiological SciencesAdjunct
Kuriakose, Sajish954-201-241457/ 139skuriako@broward.eduBiological SciencesAdjunct
Lewis, Julaine954-201-241457/ 139jlewis9@broward.eduBiological SciencesAdjunct
Tufail, Rozina954-201-241457/ 139rtufail@broward.eduBiological SciencesAdjunct

*Use the search box above the table to quickly find a Faculty member’s directory information. Use the Next and Previous arrows to access more entries on the directory table.

*On mobile or tablet devices, swipe left over the directory table or rotate the device screen to landscape (horizontal) mode to access all of the information listed. Use the search box above the table to quickly find a Faculty member’s directory information. Use the Next and Previous arrows to access more entries on the directory table.


Wasko, Wendy954-201-281557/ 165wwasko@broward.eduScience Laboratory Manager
Dixon, Rajiv954-201-299157/ 166rdixon@broward.eduScience Laboratory Technician
Chetkin, Alexis954-201-290457/ 166achetkin@broward.eduScience Laboratory Technician
Rovira Luna, Antonio954-201-241557/ 166aluna@broward.eduScience Laboratory Technician, Part-time

*On mobile devices, swipe left over the directory table or rotate the device screen to landscape (horizontal) mode to access all of the Staff information listed.