NASA Moon Rocks
Broward College’s Central Campus Astronomy faculty members are NASA certified to handle the moon rock samples from the Lunar and Meteorite Petrographic Thin Section Program. Petrographic Thin Section Packages containing 12 polished thin sections of samples from either the Lunar or Meteorite collections are provided to colleges and universities having a curriculum in the geosciences. Each set of 12 slides is accompanied by a sample disk of representative lunar or meteorite samples, embedded in acrylic disks suitable for classroom use, and teaching materials. The thin section package is intended for use in college and university courses in petrology and microscopic petrography for advanced geology and astronomy students. The loan period is very strict and limited to two weeks.
The following photographs were taken from a binocular microscope through the acrylic casing surrounding the rock and soil samples. Each micrograph has a magnification of approximately 500x.
MOON ROCKS – click on thumbnail for larger view