General Education Skills / Competency Rubrics

Associate of Arts Skills / Competency Rubrics

Qualtrics Data Submission Tips:

Assess With Success

In a few simple steps, you can assess with success!

– Review the process.

– Identify the rubric that’s right for the skill / competency you’re assessing. (See the rubrics on this page.)

– Connect with a local CATS team member to identify an assignment you already use (or to generate a new assignment) that will produce student samples you can score.

– Share your scores with the CATS.

– Reflect, Revise, & Enhance — Close the loop & learn from your data and that data of others.




Basic Overview of the Assessment Process



  A CATS member will contact you to explain your role. You’ll use a common rubric, provided by the CATS, that is used across several different courses and disciplines, to assess one of your own class assignments. You will collect information on a learning outcome associated with a skill / competency, and you’ll submit that data to the CATS.

  Your assessment data will be aggregated with the data from other instructors to help provide a picture of student achievement of the learning outcomes. The CATS will use this data to facilitate conversations focused on continuous improvement.

  This process helps ensure that we are helping students achieve the objectives of general education and the Associate of Arts at Broward College.

Add the General Education Skills / Competencies & Learning Outcomes to Your Syllabus

Let students know that you teach a Gen Ed course. Take a moment to review the skills / competencies, and ask how they will use them in their future studies and careers.

   General education courses are grouped into six categories. The categories focus on particular skills / competencies, though it is likely that nearly all of the skill / competencies are addressed in most general education courses. Here is the official alignment:

Explore More Resources: Visit the CTEL Site 

Visit the CTEL site:

– The Center for Teaching Excellence shares additional resources to support best-practices in assessment on their site. 

Visit the CTEL site dedicated to assessment!

See the BIG Picture: Visit the Institutional Effectiveness Site 

Get a birds-eye-view of assessment at the college by visiting the Institutional Effectiveness site.

NEXT: Contact a CATS Member

Contact a CATS Member:

A friendly CATS member will help answer questions, such as:

– Do I have the most current rubric for this skill / competency?

– Do you have any sample assignments for my discipline?

– When do I have to submit the data to the CATS?