22 thoughts on “ASN Program, Summer 2020

  1. What will happen to people who don’t have clinicals to take and they’re not in Process 1?

    • So much of this depends on where you are in the program. You should contact your Associate Dean via email.

  2. Hi Dean Turpel,
    In your podcast you mentioned that if we needed additional information we can contact the administrative assistant on our campus, how do we find out who that is?
    I go to North campus.
    Thank you!

    • Do you have the materials you got during pre-orientation and orientation? I think all of the appropriate emails were there. You can always email your associate dean.

  3. Thank you for the update and hope you are doing well! However, I know the nursing program doesn’t usually provide classes during the second six weeks of summer. Because of the situation we’re in, are we still having that time off or are we going to have classes? Just concerned because I am in a family wedding and flights have already been booked and I need to change them if I have to due to having class. I know this is very stressful but thanks for taking the time to update us.

    • We never require you to take classes during a time when you can’t take classes. There are some classes offered in the second summer session, but I’m sorry I don’t know the exact details of which classes those are this summer. A lot depends on what instructors and clinical sites we have available. You can speak to your associate dean. The easiest way is to email right now because everyone is remote. j

      Thank you for the reminder – I have a family wedding in early August and I need to look at plane tickets!

  4. Good Evening Dean Turpel,

    Thank you for the update. I hope you are taking the time out for self-care during this inconvenience that Covid has caused. I know I definitely am because it has given me some anxiety. Hopefully everything gets to play out as you described so we may move on to the next set of classes we are scheduled to take.

    • This has been absolute craziness! I don’t want to watch the news but then I can’t NOT watch the news. My husband is a fire chief and updates me with facts and figures all day long – yikes! I’m so worried about all of you…the most important thing is for all of you to stay healthy, but I know you’re worried about school, your families, your kids, your livelihood, everything! j

      I could never have imagined this situation. Today I asked a friend if there’s a “pandemic instruction manual” that I missed out on!

      I’m so proud of the BC nursing students, faculty, and staff. I can’t wait to see you all again in person!

  5. Will there be a possibility of taking theory classes in the second summer session?

    • There are some theory and clinical classes offered in the second part of summer. Honestly, I can’t tell you exactly what those are. But, your associate dean will know. I’ll try to get the schedule for each campus and post it here on this blog.

  6. Hey dean turpel, we will be automatically put in to the clinical course this summer correct?

    • Yes, but you will need to pay for it.

  7. Dean Turpel,
    If the online clinicals are available, why would we not be given the option to do it now and keep everyone on track? I ask because there’s even free resources out there for us to do this and it’s almost an injustice for us to be held back if the options are out there. For example, I nursing.com is offering online clinicals completely free for any nursing student and they’ve sent out emails stating so. I’m wondering why this option is not being given to us now instead of holding us back when most other nursing students are being allowed to and given every opportunity to move forward? Thank you

    • Thank you for your reply. We have a high quality program and the curriculum does not support having patient experiences completely in the online environment. One of the strengths of our program is our high number of in-hospital clinical hours. I cannot speak to what you may have heard from other nursing programs. I do communicate regularly with other program deans and directors, both directly and through the Florida Council of Nursing Education Administrators.

      Completing the complimentary online simulation scenarios is a great idea and I highly recommend that you participate to continue to prepare for professional practice. Materials that are used in our program have to be approved by the faculty as a whole and validated for use, as we are an accredited nursing education program.

      • Respectfully, I’m not asking if we can do all the clinicals online but rather why are we being pushed back when the option for online clinical is available now for Summer A as you said? It would be more beneficial to be added in to the clinicals and complete it now rather than push everyone back. It’s as though we’re being penalized for being in BC’s program.

        • I’m sorry you feel that way. Right now, we’re moving forward with the program as I’ve described.

  8. What classes are offered during the second six weeks of summer?

    • I’ve heard from a lot of people that I wasn’t clear – sorry. We’re returning to “regularly scheduled programming” in Session Session III. So, with the exception of NUR2811/L and NUR2801/L, whatever was previously being offered.

      • So if this is true, will those not currently in Ortho/Neuro be asked to sit out fall and not take Cardio/Trends therefore making them be held back the same way those of us in Ortho/Neuro now are pushed from August to December? Asking because if not, what’s to stop them from registering with us and remaining in track therefore making the current Ortho/Neuro students the only class officially held back? This is the dilemma plaguing Ortho/Neuro students at the moment because it wouldn’t be fair to allow them to progress with us when we’ve been pushed back. I don’t mean to sound rude but it is a major concern.

        • As with all unexpected situations, some students may have more challenges than others. I’m concerned when the conversation focuses only on being “held back.” As you know, it is the mission of the BC nursing program to prepare competent, compassionate, and culturally sensitive entry-level graduates who professional practice encompasses legal and ethical decision making by providing a nursing program that is accessible to a diverse community of learners. We are focused on that mission and carrying it out in the most thoughtful and intentional way we can. We will partner with all students to move themselves forward through this program. As the faculty, administrators, and staff are focused on providing the best instruction and support for students, I have to suggest that students’ time is better spent focusing on the content and material presented in current courses to prepare for licensure and professional practice than on concern over what may be happening to another cohort of students.

  9. Hi Dean Turpel! Hope you are doing well with all this craziness. I guess I am scheduled as of now to take cardio/ trends in the fall of 2020. I understand there was already a class set to graduate during that time (December 2020) I was just wondering if they are being pushed back as well? Or will they be joining our graduating class? I’m just worried about the clinical space.

    • I love your icon (is that the right word?)! Honestly, that’s a concern for all of us. However, having the space for clinicals is a concern we have every single term and we are always working to find more options. There are always unexpected benefits that come from bad situations and I believe that we are expanding our options for clinical experiences as a result of this pandemic. Working within guidelines from all of the agencies that influence our program, we will do everything we can to help you move forward toward your goal.

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