Physical Sciences Curriculum
AST1002 Horizons in Astronomy
Credit Hours: 3
Pre or Co-Requisite: None
AST1002 is an introductory course that outlines the origin, characteristics, and evolution of the solar system, stars, and galaxies and engages the historical milestones in astronomy from the ancient astronomers to the modern observatories. Students are expected to evaluate current and expected future trends in astronomical research and 275 theories using written compositions and analysis in algebra involving solutions of multi-variable equations and formulas. Math placement score equivalent to MAT1033 level of equation solving is sufficient.
CHM1020 Introduction to Chemistry
Credit Hours: 3
Pre or Co-Requisite: None
Selected topics from general chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry. This course is designed specifically for Nursing and other Allied Health Technology students.
CHM1020L Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory
Credit Hour: 1
Pre or Co-requisite: CHM1020
Laboratory experiments to accompany CHM1020.
CHM1032 Chemistry for Health Sciences
Credit Hours: 3
Pre or Co-Requisite: None
Selected topics from general chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry. This course is designed specifically for Nursing and other Allied Health Technology students.
CHM1032L Chemistry for Health Sciences Laboratory
Credit Hour: 1
Pre or Co-Requisite: CHM1032
Laboratory exercises to accompany CHM1032.
CHM1045 General Chemistry
Prerequisite: MAC1105
Co-requisite: CHM1045L
This is the first course in a two-semester sequence, CHM 1045 and CHM 1046. This sequence includes two laboratories: CHM 1045L to be taken concurrently with CHM 1045 and CHM 1046L to be taken with CHM 1046. This sequence is for students who have already had high school chemistry. Topics covered include: chemical measurements, stoichiometry, atomic structure periodic table, chemical bonding, inorganic compounds, nomenclature, formula writing, gases, liquids, solids, solutions acid-base chemistry and ionic reactions and some descriptive chemistry of non-metals. To enroll, it is strongly recommended that students have had previous chemistry at the high school or college level. If a student has not had prior experience in a chemistry course the CHM 1040/CHM 1041/CHM 1046 sequence is highly recommended.
CHM1045L General Chemistry I Laboratory
Credit Hour: 1
Pre or Co-requisite: CHM1041 or CHM1045
Laboratory experiments to accompany CHM1041 or CHM1045.
CHM1046 General Chemistry II
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisite: CHM1041 AND CHM1045L OR CHM1045 AND CHM1045L
Pre or Co-requisite: CHM1046L
This is the final course of the two-semester general chemistry sequence: CHM1045 and CHM1046; and the final course of the three-semester general chemistry sequence: CHM1040, CHM1041, and CHM1046. These sequences include two laboratories: (1) CHM1045L to be taken concurrently with CHM1041 or CHM1045, and (2) CHM1046L to be taken with CHM1046. Topics covered include thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibrium, electrochemistry, coordination chemistry, descriptive chemistry of metals, nuclear chemistry and an introduction to organic chemistry.
CHM1046L General Chemistry II Laboratory
Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisite: CHM1041 OR CHM1045 AND CHM1045L
Pre or Corequisite: CHM1046
Laboratory experiments to accompany CHM1046E or CHM1046. Special fee charged. Upon successful completion of this course, the students should be able to use appropriate laboratory equipment to safely perform laboratory experiments that relate to the topics covered in CHM1046 or CHM1046E, to collect data accurately and to use those data to calculate a reasonable answer or come to a logical conclusion.
CHM2210 Organic Chemistry I
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisite: CHM1046 AND CHM1046L Co-requisite CHM2210L
First part of a two-course sequence presenting the structure, preparation, reaction, and nomenclature of various classes of organic compounds and their derivatives. Reaction electronic mechanisms are interpreted and unified in the light of modern theory.
CHM2210L Organic Chemistry I Laboratory
Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisite: CHM1046 AND CHM1046L Co-requisite: CHM2210
Organic laboratory experiments and preparations to accompany CHM2210.
CHM2211 Organic Chemistry II
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisite: CHM2210 AND CHM2210L Co-requisite: CHM2211L
Second of the two-part organic chemistry course. A continuation of the study of the remaining classes of organic compounds including use of spectroscopic methods and an introduction to bio-organic molecules.
CHM2211L Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisite: CHM2210 AND CHM2210L Co-requisite: CHM2211
Appropriate experiments and preparation to compliment CHM2211.
Credit Hrs: 3.00
Pre or Co-Requisite: None
ESC1000 is an integration of the three classic disciplines of the earth sciences, geology, meteorology, and oceanography. Course will focus on the basic principles governing these disciplines, and the effect of each on man.
Credit Hour: 1.00
Pre or Co-requisite: ESC1000
ESC1000L will have experiments and exercises that will be investigating the hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere of earth. The earth will also be mapped and investigated as an object in space. At least 3 of the following five units will be covered: (1) Introduction to Laboratory Study, (2) The Solid Earth, (3) Earth’s Waters, (4) Earth’s atmospheres and (5) Mapping.
PHY1001 Applied Physics
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: MAC1105 OR MAC1114 OR MAC1140 OR MAC1147 OR MAC2233 OR MAC2311 OR MAC2312 OR MAC2313 OR MAP2302 OR MAS2103 OR MAT1033 OR MGF1106 OR STA2023
An introductory course in general physics outlining topics in mechanics, matter, magnetism, electricity, heat and wave phenomena. The course is intended for students in technical or vocational fields. The student will learn to analyze and solve problems using analysis in algebra and written composition projects.
PHY2048 General Physics with Calculus I
Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisite: MAC2311
Pre or Co-requisite: PHY2048L
PHY2048 is part one of a comprehensive course in physics outlining mechanics, heat, and wave motion using analysis in calculus.
PHY2048L General Physics with Calculus I Laboratory
Credit Hour: 1
Pre or Co-requisite: PHY2048
PHY2048L is a laboratory which allows students to able to collect and analyze data in a variety of experiments covering topics covered in its companion course PHY2048. Students will create experiment reports using analysis in calculus.
PHY2049 General Physics with Calculus II
Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisite: PHY2048 Pre or Co-requisites: MAC2312 AND PHY2049L
PHY2049 is part two of a comprehensive physics course outlining electricity, magnetism and optics using analysis in calculus.
PHY2049L General Physics with Calculus II Laboratory
Credit Hour: 1
Prerequisites: PHY2048 and PHY2048L Pre or Co-requisite: PHY2049
A series of physics laboratory experiments chosen to coincide with the lecture course PHY2049. The course will include topics in electricity, magnetism, and optics. One 2-hour class meeting per week. A laboratory fee is charged.
PHY2053 General Physics I
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: MAC1114 OR MAC1133 OR MAC1147 OR MTB1322 OR MTB1326
Pre or Co-Requisite: PHY2053L
PHY2053 is the first course in a two-semester sequence outlining mechanics, properties of matter, heat and sound. Algebra, trigonometry, geometry and vector methods will be used in the quantitative description of these topics.
PHY2053L General Physics I Laboratory
Credit Hour: 1
Pre or Co-requisite: PHY2053
PHY 2053L is a laboratory which allows students to able to collect and analyze data in a variety of experiments covering topics covered in its companion course PHY2053. Students will create experiment reports using analysis in algebra.
PHY2054 General Physics II
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: PHY2053 AND PHY2053L Co-requisite: PHY2054L
PHY2054 is the second course in a two-semester sequence, PHY2053 and PHY2054. The topics covered in PHY2054 include: electricity, magnetism and optics. Algebra, trigonometry, geometry and vector methods will be used in the quantitative description of these topics.
PHY2054L General Physics II Laboratory
Credit Hour: 1
Pre or Co-requisite: PHY2054
Laboratory experiences designed to accompany the topics under study in PHY2054.
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