Chemistry Safety Contract Laboratory Safety Information and Contract Laboratory Safety Information and Contract 1. Students should consult with their physician prior to taking this laboratory if they have any of the following conditions: asthma, allergies, epilepsy, pulmonary or cardiac dysfunction, pregnancy, or any other serious health problem. 2. Students must follow all safety directions given by an instructor or laboratory technician. 3. A laboratory coat or a laboratory apron must be worn in the laboratory at all times. 4. Goggles must be worn at all times while in the laboratory. Please note that safety glasses and eyeglasses are not suitable eye protection in laboratories where chemicals are in use. 5. Pants or skirts must be long enough to completely cover the legs. They should reach the ankles. Shorts and short skirts are not permitted. 6. Wearing a face covering over your nose and mouth is strongly recommended while in the laboratory, regardless of vaccine status. 7. The wearing of open-toed or high heeled shoes in the laboratory is prohibited. Shoes must cover the top of the foot. 8. Students with long hair must tie the hair back. 9. No food, drink, gum, or candy will be allowed in the laboratory at any time. 10. Smoking is prohibited in the laboratory. 11. Students should not apply lip balm or any other cosmetics while in the laboratory. 12. No running or horseplay in the laboratory. 13. Each student must know the location of the fire alarm, fire extinguisher, emergency eye wash and shower, gas shut-off valve and emergency exits. 14. Students are not permitted in the laboratory without the supervision of an instructor. Everyone must wait outside the laboratory until the instructor arrives. Students are not permitted in the laboratory prep room at any time. 15. Students must immediately inform the instructor of any injury or accident that occurs in the laboratory. 16. All spills must be immediately reported to the instructor. 17. Chemical Waste must be disposed of in the proper waste containers provided and in the manner indicated by the instructor. Do not pour chemicals or reagents down the drain unless told to do so by your instructor. Do not dispose of liquids or dry chemicals in the trash cans. 18. Broken glassware should immediately be reported to the instructor. The glass must be disposed of in the broken glass containers not in the trash can. This practice protects the cleaning and laboratory staff from injury. 19. Trash should be placed in the trash cans only. The sinks, trays, desk drawers or cabinets are not to be used for the storage or disposal of waste. 20. Broken or missing equipment or other materials should immediately be reported to an instructor. Equipment should not be removed from one station to the other. 21. All glassware and other equipment used during the course of the laboratory should be cleaned at the end of each laboratory period. Students should leave their stations clean and organized. 22. Before dispensing reagents, swirl the bottles to ensure mixtures are uniform. Pour out only the needed amount. Do not return any excess reagents to their stock bottles, as this practice may cause contamination. Replace the caps on reagent bottles between uses. 23. It is recommended that students wash their hands before leaving the laboratory. Hand soap and paper towels are available in the laboratory. 24. The use of cell phones or any personal electronic devices in the laboratory is not recommended. The College will not be responsible for damages caused to your cell phone or any other personal devices used in the laboratory. Full Name (First and Last) * Student ID * Campus * SelectSouth Professor Name * SelectHusam AbbasiRais AnsariLidia BerbeciTheresa EstanislaoRyan MahabirRajendra ShakyaChih-Hung WangMaria West Professor Name Course ID * SelectCHM1032LCHM1045LCHM1046LCHM2210LCHM2211LCHM3203L Reference # (6 digit number) * Email Address * Today's Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Terms and Conditions * By checking this box, I acknowledge that the information provided in this document is representative of my true statement, and no one else's. Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.