Contrast Directions

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Contrast Theme Directions

Check the syllabus for the due date.

Write a five or six paragraph paper showing a SIGNIFICANT BUT NOT OBVIOUS difference. Here are some suggested but not required topics:

1. a book and the movie, the original movie and the sequel

2. two movies, books, concerts, rock stars, sitcoms

3. two sports, two sports teams, two athletes

4. two actors, two teachers, two vacations, two relationships

WARNING: Not any two vacations, movies, or sports will do. A compelling similarity must make the contrast worthwhile. For example, you should not bother to contrast flying model airplanes with flying real airplanes.

Your introduction should show the similarity and end with a thesis.

DO NOT present a generic thesis containing the conclusion “DIFFERENT” or synonyms for different.

  1. There are many differences between how men and how women communicate their feelings.

Men talk too little about their feelings, and women talk too much.
Although they appear similar, scuba diving and snorkeling are two dissimilar experiences.
Scuba diving is much more involved than snorkeling.
Early Clint Eastwood heroes are nothing like the later ones.
A Clint Eastwood heroes after 1990 are satires of his early characters.

My parents have completely opposite personalities.
A Because my father spends so freely, my mother has become stingy.

Driving a car doesn’t compare to riding a motorcycle.
a. Driving a car is much more demandingthan riding a motorcycle.

Attending BCC just isn’t the same as going to FSU.
a. Attending BCC lacks the glamour of attending FSU.

Mr. Wills and Mr.Pike have very different coaching methods.
a. Coach Wills motivates with rewards, while Coach Pike uses punishment.

TV movies and theater movies are different in many ways.
A. Movies made for television lack the polish of movies made for theatrical release.

9. My brother and I are as different as night and day.

My brother is a day person while I am a creature of the night.
10. Sue’s second husband is not at all like her first one.

Sue married the first time for excitement, the second for security.
In other words, focus on one worthwhile, interesting, insightful difference:

Note: Some teachers allow this thesis: “Al and I differ in our careers, our home lives, and our hobbies.” But this revision better helps readers process the information: “Al’s sociability and my preference for seclusion can be seen in our careers, home life, and hobbies.

Emphasize the unfamiliar rather than the familiar. If you are contrasting high schools in Columbia with high schools in America, do not dwell on high schools in America.

Proofread carefully. It must be typed. You can make neat changes on your final draft if you spot a mistake.

Last updated 1/27/2009